Tuesday, June 18, 2013


Two days in, and I am feeling it.  In my muscles, that is...  phew!  I've gone to the gym yesterday and today, lifted all the weights, OOF! and then followed it up with 30 minutes on the elliptical.  I woke up much less sore than expected but I feel just worn out.  My routine is 4 days; chest, shoulders, back on days 1 and 3, arms and legs on days 2 and 4.  Having done each day now, I've tweaked things a wee bit.  Some machines have changed in 20 years, haha!  There was no seated rope pulley machine but there is some other "fancy" seated row thing.  My son laughed when I asked him where the lying down leg curl machine was, you can sit and do leg curls now!  Wow, I'm old.  So, yeah, some little things.  I wanted to do each body part in its entirety before moving on to the next but I just go to the local rec center where real estate is hard to get.  When I can get on the cables I just go ahead and do all the cable exercises.  When I get a bench, I keep it and do all my bench work.  So I do have to skip around a little, I don't think it really matters.  I'm more focused on burning fat than on fine-tuning body parts.

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